Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Invitation Text For School Function

- Memories of September 1961 *** The service of INCOM WEEK on the training of flying saucers and UFO

The photo opening refers to the start of the Raid Pescara - Split

Fragments of history Pescara

Romano Di Bernardo

When he left the famous article by Bruno Ghibaudi on the "Settimana Incom" was September 3, 1961. In those days I was waiting for it lays down a regime of high pressure level to make the "first crossing of the Adriatic" for small boats organized by Aeneas Pagliaro (boat builder) and sponsored by the National Italian Sailors from my newspaper, "The Messenger", with the collaboration of Piaggio in Pontedera (aeronautics), the representative of the Vespa in Pescara But Salvatore roller, an oil company, the Italian Society and other marine radio Friends of the navy pescarese.Ero very involved in the trials of navigating the boat just 4 meters with which I had to take the motorboat sports Raid Pescara - Spalto 110 miles of tiny motors powered by two 3-Hp. Also my water activity and reporter for the Messenger, I was known to the citizens and the police, with whom I had very good relations, I called together to hear my opinion about the photographs posted on the service that they believed Ghibaudi fasulle.E 'I know that accurate, At this point, at that time was alien to the UFO field, even if a few years earlier I had attended along with thousands of Pescara the passage of a UFO the night of the Festival of S. Cettero. After the disappointment at the failure to publish an article of mine by writing my journal of Roman, with whom he contested the photographs published by the famous reporter of Turin, taken in preparing my company's sports, I concentrated on the list of things to do to land in Yugoslavia safe and sound with my second driver Giancarlo Bonardo.Partii the harbor, under the bridge "Risorgimento", at 19.30 on September 13 greeted by hundreds of Pescara and escorted to the mouth of the river by several boats of friends . It was already dark. After about two hours from the start, after finding that the steering system adapted by me and by technical Piaggio Bucci could not keep up, we decided to mount the helm, joining the two central wooden fuoribordo.Pensai several times during the crossing, flying saucers from the East, as he had described Ghibaudi and contemplate the starry sky in contrast with the pitch dark all around us. The speed was very low, just over 5 knots whereas the weight of the vessel more than 5 tons. I noticed that when you are tired, when you sleep, the stars seem to move continuously. You have the impression that they are dancers. This explains why so many alleged sightings of bright dots that seem unpredictable and fast-moving UFO. I was sleeping and pilot, looking at the compass to the weak light of a cell linked to the best on the roof of the deckhouse. Every now and then I could look up and fix for a moment the Stars "dancers". My friend had dozed off on the small area of \u200b\u200bthe bow. At dawn we had already traveled some forty miles, and until 2 o'clock in the afternoon we sailed into a calm sea meeting only several families of dolphins. I thought often in flying saucers and I confess that I would have liked if I had the fortune to meet and maybe take some pictures ... .... But then the thought of Francis ran to the sergeant that I had called to ask my opinion on the picture Ghibaudi. The following night, before entering the bay of Split, yet I thought the "formation of flying discs" out on the "Settimana Incom" few days before and, not to fall asleep, I thought to investigate the phenomenon of flying saucers that, apart from the event Ghibaudi, could be considered serious and worthy of study. But then, after another sip of coffee I saw an intense light right ahead. No, it was a UFO, but the city of Diocletian that awaited us. We landed at one o'clock at night. The raid was successful, and coincided with the commitment to dedicate my future to the cultural and sporting relations with the other side in the program for years and I traversata.Passarono for the nautical and historical research on the traditions and rural culture of Abruzzo. I published several books and articles in specialized journals navigation and telecommunications. Not tralasciai the cuisine of which I was always cultore.Ormai the thoughts I had almost forgotten about the UFO and I was interested in only sporadic sightings of mysterious objects until one fine day, indeed, one night of autumn 1978 I was awakened by a phone call from a friend Amateur urged me to tune the frequency of the "town band" to hear the dramatic messages that crossed between fishermen terrified by "fireballs" that followed their barche.Pochi days later there were some letters and telephone contacts between me and Roberto Pinotti and began to work with the National UFO Center ... .... AND A BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE BEGINS HERE ....

------------------------------------------------- - The left image refers to an article in Il Messaggero appeared the day after the start of the raid (the boat was called Kite and the photo was taken during the navigation tests in the river Pescara) and the right one is reproduction of a page from a magazine in 1963 dedicated to Romano Di Bernardo who had begun the relationship between Split and Pescara (we were in a cold war) with the sport Raid of 1961. )



Pokemon Gauges Zero Plugs

Raid Split-Pescara in Abruzzo - Pictures of Bruno Ghibaudi - 1961

------------- -------------- of Romano Di Bernardo
days ago I issued to a young and serious researcher of the UFO phenomenon and an interview published on http://video.google .com / videoplay? docid = 6798224837578936007 & hl = en with which he said an alleged UFO incident, which caused a sensation in Pescara in 1961, of which the protagonist was the well-known journalist who led a section of content on television Bruno Ghibaudi aircraft. The journalist published on the "LA Settimana Incom "service from Pescara in which he described an" invasion "of flying saucers accompanied by several photographs of UFO.In those years I was a member of the drafting de Pescara Il Messaggero of Rome directed by the writer and I was called by Manlio Masci police for "advice" on the Ghibaudi. In other words, the military had identified in the publication of the crime of "spreading false news likely to disturb the order TENTENZE pubblico.Il Marshal Di Francesco, of the Command Group of Police at that time installed in the central Via Nicola Fabrizi I knew and with whom I had good relations in the context of my work as a reporter, called me to the office in Pescara, the same day the article came out united in the Ghibaudi ufficio.Mi showed weekly asking an opinion on the veracity of the article and the photographs that showed flying objects on the beach in Pescara. My answer was not a "NO" dry, even though my instincts told me that it was a hoax concocted also true evil. So I expressed my doubts about the reliability of the event described by the sergeant Ghibaudi. Di Francesco, however, had already decided: the news was false and tendentious and disturbed public order. then the author was denounced. He just wanted I think an offending image. The "corpus delicti" was one of the photos are depicting a flying saucer, but it was nothing but a model that in those days was exposed in the toy department of Standa in Corso Vittorio Emanuele. The marshal had already compared the photo with the model but had not suffered with the Standa se.Andai and I in my turn verification. The toy was really the same picture pubblicata.Il conversation with Di Francesco could be considered the classic tip-off that often occur between journalists and police. My newspaper, considered the most balanced was also the most widespread in Pescara and what influenced in a positive climate of cooperation between my writing and the police. On this occasion I had in hand so a real scoop. Courses in drawing and wrote the piece looked good from revealing certain exclusivity fonte.Essendo send article to Rome to "out lot", that is to be published not but on the day after news of what successivo.Non know what happened in those two days in our editorial office in Rome. Surely something big happened because the article that unmasked Bruno Ghibaudi did not go out '. Marshal Di Francesco called me into his office and Goldeneye I said, "I did not tell you anything about flying saucers do not know you ....". He was mortified, but it also showed cold towards me, as if he had been ordered to convince me not interested in most of the editorial staff vicenda.Noi we were saddened, but we could not do anything but resign ourselves to face the odious censorship. Manlio Masci telephoned the editor of the provinces Chitarrine but got no explanation ... the article was not to go out and never left.
After so many years I decided to tell this story to Fabio Di Rado when I learned that Stefano Breccia will find a book that will speak of UFOs in Abruzzo, and also reports of events in which we talk about photographs taken on the coast between Pescara and Montesilvano by a Mr. De Carlo. Speaking one day with Eng. Breach Ghibaudi of the incident told me just the photos published in the Settimana Incom were authentic and had not taken the author of the service, but another person he knew. If not value Stefano Breccia I'd say look forward to the release of his book because, judging from the topics covered, depending on what you anticipate Pinotti in the journal of the CUN, it would be a bombshell. To me it seems a good novel, even if the plot is fairly predictable. However, surely it will be interesting for those who want to believe the story of the underground base of the extraterrestrials. I expressed to Stephen frankly my concern during an interview with him in his home Chieti, four other people present. I also said that if does not mention at least one proof of the existence of the famous W 56, which would have had much influence on our society, the media "... will make you to pieces despite your reputation as a distinguished university professor."

To view the interview click on the bottom of page Lik
or on http://www.pescaraonline.net

LINK: http://video.google.it/ videoplay? docid = 6798224837578936007 & hl = en