Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Baby Red Cheecks And Chin


Did you have any doubt about the PDL prestigious nominations for the European Parliament?
Who will choose to represent us in Europe, Silvio?
University professors? Scientific luminaries?

much more ...

A selection of Italian chick!

And here, a rundown of the candidates pidielline. Let me be clear: in life have done everything but politics ...
1. Barbara Matera. Occupation: Ex-announcer Rai Actress Carabinieri 7

2. Angela Sozio . Profession: former contestant of Big Brother 3 - appearance in the famous photo of Berlusconi and his harem at Villa Certosa

3. Eleonora Gaggioli. Profession: Actress Don Camillo and ELISA Rivambrosa

4. Camilla Ferranti . Profession: Former tronista of Men and Women , mentioned in the telephone call between Agostino Sacca and recommendations the President. In 2008 a calendar.
5. Adriana Verdirosi . Profession: Former Glen dancing (so she is called)
6. Cristina Ravot . Profession: actress and pianist (piano bar in Sardinia, probably by the Billionaire Briatore asd)

7. Elisa Alloro . Profession: showgirl
8. Emanuela Romano . Profession: Former Chair " Silvio we miss" (no joke click and read!)
9. Rachel Restivo . Profession: journalist and presenter of the program on Italia 1 " Passion: erotica for women "
10-11 and Eleonora Imma De Vivo . Profession: former competitors of the Island of the Famous

E 'news last night that Veronica Lario, wife of our Prime Minister (not League asd) has classified the candidate of the PDL as "shameless garbage for power . Lario added: "[...] I want to make it clear - he explains - that I and my children are victims, not accomplices in this situation. We have to endure it and makes us suffer. " And Finally, just to remember the good times, here are the best pictures of the last years ... asd

Friday, April 17, 2009

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Ok have an excellent memory, but this is truly amazing ...

The protagonist of this story is so absurd that it seems impossible to Jill Price, 43 years.
His ability to recall affects all fields: If you ask what happened Aug. 16, 1977 not only remembers that the day Elvis Presley died, but that was a tax law passed in California. That year following a May 25 plane crashed in Chicago, or August 30, 1978 was the first time ever that led to wash the car. Some of these events may have had a special meaning for her, certainly no other . It is not the first case of Mirandoliana memory, but all the others had a specific range of excellent memory: sport, art, gossip, etc ...

you do not. He remembers everything with the utmost precision.
The psychiatrists all over the world have explored countless hypotheses but none so far has managed to get to the bottom of this puzzle. One thing however is certain: Jill loves order, and presents compulsive tendencies. Everything in his house, must have a precise place. The same perhaps goes on in his brain, so unerring ability to catalog an enormous amount data.

(Source: )

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Design For Saree Blouse

What do you think once you're retired? Some of you will give the garden (who has a green thumb, I have had throughout February! Asd), someone else will read the entire Encyclopedia Treccani and someone else will become the helper of Santa Claus.
The problem, cmq, for now do not say it.
Finally there are those who, finishing a career, he decided to retrain with another craft. Here, then, that
Condoleezza Rice, the beautiful (asd) Former Secretary of State George W. Bush, has decided to completely change the work environment, now makes journalist sports. And the sport in question is the epitome of relaxation and tranquility, golf. Rice, in fact, is following a blog for the technical feats of the legendary Tiger Woods. The lines for the apparent antithesis of war in Iraq / relaxation of golf you / me the savings. I ask only a couple of thoughts.
1. Perhaps the first was bad sports journalism?
2. But if Rice is recycled in sports journalism, in what may have recycled the dear friend of Silvio George "dabbliù" Bush? I would see how well paninari Habib style ..

For the series "No bridges to the site of the disaster, today always nice Silvio Berlusconi said the next Council of Ministers will be made to L'Aquila.
The excuse, beautiful, is that so " people see that the institutions are close . Pardon me, dear President, but people realize that the institutions are close immediately if the rebuild the house, if you do not see the ice cream to take with them in tents.
And so, after the much trumpeted the Council of Ministers in Naples for the waste emergency, here's another stage in the CDM (which is not the World Cup). seems to be the Tour of Italy .
where it touches the next time, Mr President? Could you please come to Mestre! He did not make the Council for the loop, do it for the tram or the MOSE.

After the notes of funny things to step series (I know, asdare is better ... but she must also be serious. sometimes)
Email this beautiful event SCA (D TO) "in favor of the workers in layoffs of SCA HP is a Pratovecchio gathered Negrita, Bandabardò, Roy Paci, Modena City Ramblers, House of the Wind and our Pierone. CALL
The crisis and our Piero (and everyone else, of course) answered THIS.

Finally, the more unpleasant note. In a statement suspending the mythical hallucinatory Rai Vauro program "Annozero" for a cartoon in question (?) Offensive to the dead of Abruzzo. The fact is that Rai can not stop because Santoro already knows the cause of losing that enter into the conductor. E cmq, the committee judged impartially Annozero's bet on the earthquake in Abruzzo. In short, Vauro is the classic scapegoat for those who wanted the head of Santoro. From good to better, well ...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Best Begginer Tennis Rackets

I had no doubt (SERIES "I told you so!")


As often happens with this government, again the nonsense about the school will almost certainly
postponed until next year (while, then next year if they do not talk anymore). Republic reported that the technicians of the Ministry of Education are to return next year, the rule that, with some 5, no would be eligible for the state. But on the other hand, was predictable after the flop single teacher, retired in haste because no one wanted him (and the parents were angry blacks), this was the next step: the newspaper reports that, in this case was kept under The proportion of students admitted would have been approximately 100,000 children (including my little brother who could not). And the blow in the polls he would feel.

Great Gelmini, Silvio great!

but asd

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Speaking of recent, dramatic events would be too easy, as would be the obvious comment last concert Piero.
In fact, faced with a tragedy such as occurred in Abruzzo that remains is to stop a minute to think and possibly make a real help to these desperate people.
Stumble this happy news: the earthquake just happened, among the first to dig with their bare hands were the boys from the rugby team of L'Aquila, legendary team in the sport of rugby for many years, the farther away the major league Italian. The team of L'Aquila is also a major rival of Benetton Treviso and Petrarca Padova.
Unfortunately, one of the guys in the team is dead under the rubble.
Then there are incredible cases, such as the grandmother of 98 recovered sopo 30 hours or the woman recovered 40 hours after the disaster. As you can see only carry cases marked on the hope and the will to live: talking about what would have happened if they had heard the constant, repeated rumblings of the earth (no electronic sensors or electromagnetic), perhaps, leave the time they find. But they might have avoided some dead.

changed style and talk about the good old Pelù, regular customer of this blog. Again I will try to be as simple as possible, since it does not seem correct to me at this time throw in the usual festive comments.
Piero is another step toward his personal artistic peak, writing and starring in a concert-show that will remain in the hearts of his fans for a long time: for all I care (but if you go for a ride the official forum, but not limited to, understand that it is a unanimous thought) was the most beautiful concert I've ever seen. In this case, the credit is shared with the great Sergio Bini, aka Bustric : every time that our Pierone shared his ideas with other artists (musicians, poets and actors who are) the result was always more than good, if not better.
All collaborations (from Jackson to The city trembles, in Modena with Guerra di Piero , via De Andrè Il Pescatore with ) have revived this rocker with new life, to the collaboration with Xavier Lanza for Face it and Bustric fatigue.
wish for me / to do is to continue on this path because, whatever people may say, the quality and the desire to experiment there. And who cares if people snubbing or pretends nothing.