November 19, 2007 first Sunday of Advent
Ambrosian For us, (that is, for all who belong to the diocese of Milan, one of the largest in the world) From yesterday we got coming in, or in times of waiting!
With the boys this year following the pointer of the FOM (Foundation Speakers Milanesi), we created a small booklet with an explanation of the various things that are done at Christmas, was titled:
and every week I'll try to share a design, an explanation / legend on perckè has started to do a certain thing, this week we start with a CRIB
E 'was San Francisco to create the first living nativity scene. The year was 1223 in Greccio, in Umbria. He wanted the time the Mass of Christmas was even more beautiful. He wanted to help him and the people who attended to feel closer to Jesus He thought that many times we say that God became man, but you do not understand the greatness of this fact, the choice to be as small as a newborn baby . Then he had an idea: even here, in this Mass, there was a child. Or a young mother asked her friend if she could go to the celebration with her husband and newborn child.
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