The day after my appearance on the special broadcast in the UFO program Voyager of Jacob, I received messages from relatives and friends who had seen me on TV. I should rejoice in that bit of vanity that keeps everyone in the depths of the soul, but I reacted differently. I thought that, as often happens when we talk about UFOs, regardless of the undisputed professional conductor of the transmission, the special was a cauldron in truth and fantasy. Common leaving the viewer puzzled because the testimony of the photographer from Milan Porta dell'abbaino Caria is considered the same as that of Admiral Piero Gallery and my inquiries at the wave of sightings of a signaling 1978.Dietro dear friend to groom then go on Youtube and I find you? A series of interviews on the book "Cantattismi mass" by Stefano Breccia. As you can see the director of Caria Piergiorgio situation was the same journalist who came last year to interview me in my office accompanied by Fabio Rado which I basically repeated what was already said in the first transmission entitled "Attack on Earth." I want to clarify that my criticism must be understood as a contribution to the debate on the UFO. How do the friends that I am honored to attend This site does not believe the revelations of poor Sammaciccia Breccia published by the W56 and the history of "Friendship". I do not believe for various reasons concerning my approach to the UFO phenomenon but also for the way it was lived by his protagonisti.Come I explained in a series of articles on this site affiliated with any of the good aliens (the W56) decided to take pictures of their ships that entered and exited from a gas station of Montesilvano. How come as a researcher Stefano Breccia which boasts of having an archive of thousands of images of flying saucers, a friend of Sammaciccia not procured a record of immense extraterrestrial base dug under the Adriatic coast from Ancona to Ortona? Why Stefano Breccia, engineer information that reveals in an interview with the Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan to be entered into a alien spacecraft and had carefully observed the helm of the UFO, has not sought to investigate the nature of the propulsion of that object? If ' author of "ground contact" won the confidence of the aliens, to allow him to visit a flying saucer, because it has no scientific dialogue with them? But there's more that I will deal with a future occasion.
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