
Baglioni 5.5 output is cursed ....
6 Mazzoleni something nice, but need more
6 Mauri unjust expulsion undermines all the rest very generous
Aondio 5.5 a step backwards compared to previous releases
Route 6 does not sting as it should and
Donadoni 6 sin that goal would have given glory to you and to us
5.5 Tentori not try the usual, more toned and fast them in half as we had become accustomed
from 65 '5.5 Checkley not affect the game
Melesi nicolas away from the usual 6.5 Melesi but as long as there puts
from 60 '6.5 Vitali such generosity, but little concreteness
mamma mia Villari Villari 5.5
from 73 'Bonaiti merely contain
Meles MATTIA 8 grit and heart a great desire to overturn the result taken as
VALSECCHI 4 unwatchable
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