Friday, May 29, 2009

What Dose The Red Sparkle Jelly Bracelet Mean


Another of our beautiful Pierone found that, along with the likes of Negrita, Afterhours and Line 77, to represent the Italian music show Hit Week to be held in Los Angeles October 13 to 18. THE line up also includes the participation of:

- The Vibrators,
- The Niro,
- size 35,
- two other artists who are not official.

How Not to mention the protagonist of the last few weeks: Silvio Papi!

asdose By now the photos are wasted on this man ...

Yesterday Republic Silvio informs us that Papi has officially lied not only to the Italians, but in addition, also to all TVs in the world. The interview's aunt Letizia confirmed what we already knew for some time (and who had tried to cover up, awkwardly, for weeks): the family had known for three months the presence of the Premier.
At this point a normal person should ask, "Why Berlusconi has always denied that his presence was planned but did it sell for random? What the Premier is afraid not to reveal immediately the programming of 'social event? "


Monday, May 18, 2009

Where To Buy Bulk Silver Blanks

the Scudetto and the new draft PIERO

I feel duty-bound to leave some comment line in this league Football weblog 2008-2009. Innnazitutto compliments to the International champion of Italy for the third time in the field, the fourth if we include those gifts. The interaction was demonstrated once again the team to beat in Italy and if you want to stop the dominance nerassurdo must invest more in the market.
which of course will not happen (at least by the parties in Milan, the Rossoneri side). With this championship, however, spoke again of the usual three candidates for the title: Roma, Lazio and Fiorentina, in fact, do not seem to be able to point to something beyond the zone's Champion. The Rome, now involved in the disposal company, will sell for many valuable pieces fiscal consolidation and disaster seems unlikely to be able to return within a great year.
Lazio wins a Cup by beating Italy in the final against Sampdoria at home five days earlier had scrambled Reggina, but that misses the most important game of the season (Fosco dixit). Despite the presence of a great striker Mauro Zarate as the rest of the rose is very competitive as the current position held by troops of Delio Rossi.
Milan and Juve are found with similar objectives at all: second place at the end of this championship and rebuilding of a competitive team starting two new technicians. Ancelotti is that Ranieri is a step by abandonment: the first is given to Chelsea or Real Madrid (and Berlusconi's latest statements go in this direction), the second is shaky for a long time and his departure now seems certain thing. In their place, turning the usual names: Spalletti (for both), Conte (Juventus), Van Basten, Tassotti (Milan). We'll see.

Quick Tour of the new aggironamento Piero after the splendid theatrical tour of late winter-spring, Pelù does not stop! (Oh well, it was obvious a rhyme). Together with friends
Acquaragia Drom has created a project called "Holy Water . As we remember (and if you do not remember, I remember you! Asd) our Pierone is strongly tied to tradition and all the Roma gypsy culture:
be repeated during the concert and the songs of gypsy rocker Florentine sauce rock'n'rom following and always persevering spirit of contamination at the base of rock of Peter. Accompanying him will be guitarist Cosimo " Fang " Zannelli, at ease when it embraces the acoustic guitar.
The tour began last night in Lecce at Piazza Sant'Oronzo and will continue to Reggiolo, Rome, Asti, Chieti. On July 17, 2009, then, the Holy Water is also coming in Veneto, in San Dona di Piave, in occasion of Rock & Doc
Lacio drom everyone!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Turn Up Heat Emergency Light Turns On

I toast with "PAPI"

As you know, thanks to Naomi and her statements about "Papi" (not Henry asd), aka Silvio Berlusconi, pandemonium broke out half.

Poor thing, he is always busy and can not see me very often in Naples. So I'm going to find in Rome or Milan
(Noemi, Silvio girlfriend, interviewed by the Republic)

Now start the asdate Portal The weekly "Who " (try to say who is the publisher ...) publish this picture of the toast the birthday of Noemi.

readers / browsers, At this point, they send a myriad of photos retouched. So, just to asdare, as would Fosco. Here are a few: